An overview of my DX Century Club awards & plaques

DXCC Plaques

The following plaques were achieved:

  • DXCC Honor Roll
  • DXCC Challenge with 2,000 points endorsement
    (currently over 2,400 points confirmed)
  • 5 Band DXCC with 160m & WARC endorsements
Please have a look at my DX webpage for current ON4CAS DXCC scores. For HR#1 I’m still anxiously looking for a contact with Johnston & Kure Island entities.

Worked All Zones (WAZ)

CQ Magazine’s “Worked All Zones” is one of the most sought after award programs. For the purpose of this program, the globe was divided into forty zones. For the basic award, one confirmed connection to a station in each of these zones is sufficient.
CQWW, the contest with the largest number of participants, is based on these zones.

For the five band version, you need to work the 40 zones on the classic bands, i.e. the WARC bands remain off the table.

The award can be achieved starting from 150 confirmed zones. The magazine CQ publishes the progress of the laureates. A plaque is available to those who have confirmed all 40 zones on the five bands.

My current score is 198, with zones 1 & 19 still missing on 80m. See also my DX page.

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Other CQ Magazine Awards

CQ Magazine is a leading periodical publishing articles about all kind of topics of our hobby. For many years, the magazine the home of several traditionally highly esteemed awards. You may find out more via this link.

Islands On The Air (IOTA)

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS